Present Structure

Patricia Mikkelson and Bob Jordan (Jordan)  are the founders of the Kindness Alliance

Patricia Mikkelson is the Coordinator

Jordan is the assistant Coordinator

Patricia and Jordan make the final decisions until we have the by laws written and the finalizing of the non-profit corporation.

We now have two board members, Robin Lehman and Spencer. They have a lot of enthusiasm, energy, and kindness to share.

We are looking for more board members and will be creating an application form. At this point, if you want to be on the board we are open to considering your participation.

Please share why you want to be on the board, what your skills and back ground are, and a few references if you don’t know us.

Kindness Alliance

Once we have about ten members of the Kindness Alliance we will start having meetings and making decisions about group projects to share based on consensus.

Feedback from all members

We will constantly be receiving feedback through various means including the Solution Teams, surveys, and questionnaires. We as a board will do our best to be receptive and honoring of all ideas.

Advisory Board

This will be made up of people who sign the pledge who represent  a wide variety of backgrounds who can help guide us with wise input.

Contact Patricia at